Thursday, September 16, 2010

Negro Violence ... Personal Assault

Tuesday, 9/14/2010, I was visiting arguably the largest medical clinic in the southeastern part of the state. I drove onto a two lane drive and had to pull into left lane in get past a large SUV that was parked ... repeat parked ... in the right driving lane. Traffic was heavy and I finally was able drive around SUV to drop Wife off at the entrance. Then I moved on to a huge parking lot ... found a space and walked back to the clinic.

As I passed the large SUV that was blocking traffic big time, I tapped on the driver's window. Glass rolls down and I ... none too tactfully ... told the driver ... whom I had woken from a nap ... that she was blocking traffic and was not in a parking zone. She responded in explosive anger. No, that's a gross understatement. She, spewing pure nigger (Yes, she was just that!) invectives, jumped out of the driver's seat, cursing all the time, and slammed the door against me and threw me off balance. All the time she was raising unmitigated, unholy hell. In defense I pushed the door back into her before she was completely out of the vehicle. I did not physically touch her.

In case you haven't picked up on it yet, I am a  Southern male Caucasian. I make absolutely no apologies for the words I have chosen to use in this post. I can recognize impolite language. Negro, Caucasian, etc., are perfectly correct even though they are no longer in technical use due to political correctness. Here I used rude terms intentionally to make my point and still offer no apologies. It's my prerogative.

This young nigger woman driver physically attacked me like an enraged wild baboon while I was still a bit unbalanced and pushed me around the front of her vehicle and into a rough stucco wall ... hard enough that my my scapula hit the wall. As I pushed away from the wall my right forearm was scraped and I was bleeding like a stuck pig. About that time another (larger) Negro woman, whom I assumed was the person that the driver was waiting for, walked up and grabbed the driver from behind and tried to restrain her. All the time she (driver) was screaming invectives at me. Wild baboon woman appeared to be high on methamphetamine, crack cocaine or some such narcotic. I decided the best action I could take was to exit altercation scene. All the while the young nigger woman was screaming and fighting those trying to restrain her. By the time I was walking away from her I was told by witnesses that about a half dozen people ... all Negro, by the way ... were trying to restrain her as she continued to scream and fight like an enraged wild baboon from hell.

No clinic security was anywhere in sight. Finally a rent-a-cop appeared (after I was inside the building) and wanted to know my name. I asked if he were a policeman. He said, "No." I said, "I will NOT give you my name, only because you will give it to my attacker." I continued to the front desk to confirm my appointment and headed on to the the designated area. Rent-a-cop ... same race as wild baboon woman ... apparently got my name and destination location from the receptionist. I returned to rent-a-cop's booth and showed what wild baboon woman had done to me in the assault and he ignored me. There was absolutely no objectivity demonstrated on his part. He was NOT a witness to the altercation because he was nowhere around. He was fixated on wild baboon woman's raging rampage because I had "wounded her car" (her exact words) by tapping on her window with my car key.

She, the wild baboon woman, apparently insisted that rent-a-cop call city police. After several minutes in the upstairs office waiting area, two policemen appeared in the elevator lobby area and rent-a-cop pointed me out to them so Wife told me. I didn't see the policemen and Wife said, "They've come after you." I asked her, "What do you mean?" She said, "The policemen. They're right outside the glass door." One of the two young policemen came to me and politely whispered to me, "Please come outside (into the elevator lobby area) so we can have a word in private."

He proceeded to get my version of the altercation and his partner took rent-a-cop outside hearing range into an adjacent corridor. (It seemed rent-a-cop wanted to hear every word of our conversation.) Apparently satisfied with information I furnished, he gave me his business card with an incident number and told me I could go to police headquarters if I wanted to file charges. He said he gave the other party (wild baboon woman) the same options. I said I was indifferent to filing charges against her regardless of her attack. I have a sneaking suspicion that wild baboon woman WILL file charges and I probably will have no choice but to make an unnecessary three hour round trip.

As I have said elsewhere, c’est la vie.

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