Thursday, October 28, 2010

If Not Muslim ... Obama Surely Sounds Like One

If POTUS Obama is not Muslin, he most certainly demonstrates a feeling of loyalty, empathy, and allegiance to the Islamic faith. The following YouTube video leaves us with no doubt that his sympathies lie with that religion. 

Even is you must register with YouTube and get create your own ID and password in order to watch this video in its entirety, it is worth the effort. Registration costs nothing but a little time.

Though not spoken in this video, I feel that Obama would embrace sharia law for every citizen of the USA. Sharia is the code of law derived from the Koran and from the teachings and example of Mohammed. Sharia is only applicable to Muslims and under Islamic law there is no separation of church and state. Sharia is the collection of rules imposed by authority. Sharia is the collection of rules imposed by authority. This ten minute video was of a speech made about a year ago

Seems plausible to me. It will be up to you readers ... if any ... to make your own determination

Tuesday, 11/2 is national trash day. Remember to throw out the trash.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Obama, America's First Muslim President

Freudian slip ... also known as parapraxis ... is defined as a verbal mistake that is thought to reveal a dynamically repressed belief, thought or emotion. The concept is thus part of classical psychoanalysis.

Seems that then Senator Obama (September 7th, 2008) made a giant slip in an interview with George Stephanopoulos. The slip appears to have been ignored or quietly swept under the rug by the national left-leaning alphabet channels. Stephanopoulos even tried bailing Obama out of the pit after a few seconds delay. Until then I don't think Obama even realized the slip had been made.

Seems pretty damning even when someoneone ... obviously in his defense ... described the "admission" as being sarcastically stated. Yeah ... whatever.

Obama has lied to us for so long a time that this slip seems like the truth, and that the delayed cover was just another of many of his prevarications.

Seems plausible to me. Readers, if any, believe what you will. That's what we all do with unverified blogs.

Thursday, October 21, 2010


This scares the unholy hell out of me. All intelligent voters of our once great nation should be afraid.

POTUS Obama and his socialistic minions who wield real power ... Pelosi and her House plus Reid and his Senate ... must share responsibility for waxing the skids for the worst downhill race in the history of the United States of America.

May voters wake up and smell the coffee on November 2nd in order to ensure the demise of socialist powers that are taking the USA to ruin. I grieve for the direction in which our once great nation is being pushed ... yes, PUSHED ... not led.

May OBAMACARE be revoked before all these evil people leave office.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Freedom to Remain Silent

Power corrupts; absolutely power corrupts absolutely. My opinion is that this statement is apropos to Judge Littlejohn's heavy-handed handling of Attorney Lampley's choice to remain silent. Also, Mr. Martin's statement was dumber than dirt. Apparently he hasn't a clue with regard to the Bill of Rights ... which contains the first ten amendments to the US Constitution.

The preceding was prompted by an AP article in the local paper last Thursday.

Today an editorial concerning the freedom NOT to speak followed up that article. What follows is not verbatim.

An arrogantly overbearing Mississippi judge in Lee County jailed an attorney for a few hours last week because the lawyer would not recite the Pledge of Allegiance in the courtroom.

Wire reports of the incident say that at the beginning of a court session on Wednesday morning, Chancellor Talmadge Littlejohn ordered everyone in the courtroom to stand up and recite the Pledge of Allegiance.

An attorney, Danny Lampley of Oxford, stood but did not repeat the pledge. The judge then urged the attorney, who was in court for a client’s separate hearing, to reconsider his refusal. When Lampley stood fast, the judge found him in contempt of court and sent him to the county jail.

The attorney was in jail for four or five hours before the judge ordered his release. His court order said, “Lampley shall purge himself of said criminal contempt by complying with the order of this Court by standing and reciting the Pledge of Allegiance in open court,” but the attorney stuck to his principles.

“I don’t have to say it because I’m an American,” Lampley told the Northeast Mississippi Daily Journal. He acknowledged that the two clearly have a problem with each other, but said it’s for them to work out.

It turns out that Lampley knows something of the First Amendment. Several years ago he represented a Pontotoc woman who successfully argued that student-led prayer and Bible classes at a school are unconstitutional.

Though Lampley’s refusal to recite the pledge offended some, e.g., one being the aforementioned self employed Mr. Martin. Equally bothersome is the judge’s insistence that everyone in the courtroom recite it.

The Pledge of Allegiance ... 31 simple words that help define what a great country we live in. However, forcing anyone ... even children and, especially, adults ... to recite the pledge, makes a mockery of what it stands for.

Any judge has a lot of authority, especially in his/her courtroom. He/she makes decisions every day that affect lives, and is certainly entitled to set rules in the courtroom for proper behavior and decorum.

Requiring people in attendance to recite the Pledge, or any other statement, falls far outside those boundaries. The judge is to be admired for his patriotism and appreciation for his country. However, his decision to put someone in jail for failing to recite the Pledge of Allegiance is disgraceful.

Any pledge given under threat of imprisonment is meaningless. Sometimes the freedom of speech gives a person the freedom not to speak. This was one of those times.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Fred Phelps ... Satanic Spokesman

As despicable and as detestable as I perceive  him to be, I sincerely hope that that a majority of the United States Supreme Court finds for him ... and ... freedom of speech. The Snyder family may suffer mental anguish and for them I grieve.

In the event the court finds for Albert Snyder in the case, Snyder v. Phelps, that was argued today before The Court, a horrifically dangerous trend will be set in motion. It will start a slide downward for one of our most precious rights. The loss may be slow. The loss may be fast. The loss, however, will begin.  

Freedom of speech in the United States is protected by the First Amendment to the United States Constitution. Our constitution has been trampled on in the past with absolutely no regard for its inviolable standards and our rights. Are we to see yet another freedom ground under the heels of the  Judicial, Legislative and Executive branches of our government?